And Just Like That

...... there is a new series being filmed that sees three of the former Sex & the City women return. Older (late 40s early 50s) and presumably wiser? One would hope so, seventeen years after the last episode of the original series.

The new show is called “And Just Like That”, a phrase Carrie frequently used. Ten episodes, no Samantha Jones ..... I don’t think so.

I’m surprised I’m not interested in the new series. I was a major fan of SATC. I have the boxset, I loved the first movie, hated the second one. I suppose its partly because Kim Cattrall has declined to come back and partly because all three of the women are now married, two with teenage children, Brady, Rose and Lilly. How do you write comedy for that? Or more to the point, how do you write comedy that will stand the insanely politically correct times we now live in? Every episode will have to be scrutinized with the thoroughness of an expert assessing whether a Rembrandt is a fake or an original to ensure it doesn’t offend. Someone. Also ensuring it will be about as amusing as a wet rag.

But mostly I think it’s because Samantha Jones is no longer there. Smart, successful, sassy and fiercely independent, she is the woman we secretly want to be but aren’t for whatever reason.

And Just Like That, I don’t think I will be tuning in.
