Advent & Chanukah

Advent, the fourth Sunday before Christmas, arrived on the weekend. Advent is from the Latin "adventus" meaning "coming" and is the period of preparation for the celebration of the birth of Christ. It lasts from November 28th until Christmas Eve on December 24th.

Chanukah or Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Light, also began on November 28th and continues for eight days until December 6th.

I found the photo on Twitter. It was apparently taken in the home of Rabbi Akiva Posner and his wife Rachel in Kiel, Germany. Rachel wrote on the back of the picture:

"Death to Judah" so the flag says. "Judah will live forever" so the Light says.

I don't know the date of the photo or if the couple to whom it belonged, survived the war.

While so many of us are whining about how tough things are, and granted there are many who genuinely are having a very hard time of life now, this was a blunt reminder for me that I haven't a clue what tough is.

Blessed Advent and Chanukah Sameach. May we all be this brave.

Thanks to @bookishseawitch on Twitter for the photo
