Snow Days


photos by author

This robin let me get close enough for a photo. The English Robin is quite a bit smaller than its North American cousin, but every bit as cheeky and colourful.

Despite being on the same latitude as Newfoundland, the U.K. has mild winters with temperatures seldom getting below freezing. Last weekend though the jet stream (the bane of the British climate) slipped far enough south to allow polar air to drift down from the north and viola. 

We got a few inches of snow and about ten days of very cold weather. Here in the Midlands night time temps dropped as low as -10C with day times sometimes not getting much above freezing. That stopped on Monday this week when the jet moved closer to us again, bringing with it milder temps and a repeat of what we had in November with damp, windy conditions. 

I took some photos of our snow days while we had them. Honey, my Lab mix, loved the snow as did her doggy friends. Why do dogs snowplow through the stuff with their noses? Answers on a postcard please!
