Cold Weather Favourites 2022-23

Its February already and I was shocked to realise I hadn't posted anything here on the beauty blog since last Spring! So, I thought I would do a  catch up and talk a bit about what I've been using this Winter for my skin and hair.

Contrary to popular myth, you don't necessarily start drying up like an old catcher's mitt when you hit middle age. Genetics, lifestyle and your self care in the years up to that play a large part in the ageing process. Things like illness and menopause will also show up in the health of your skin, hair and nails.

While my skin is on the drier side, I often find products marketed towards "mature" or *gag* "menopausal" skin are too heavy. While we are on the topic, I'll have a wee rant and say the term "anti-aging" needs to be bagged. Getting older isn't a disease that has to eradicated. Stuff your anti-aging. There, I said it. Back to business...


For me, good skin starts with cleansing. In the morning I don't usually need much to cleanse and Nuxe's rose cleansing foam freshens while smelling wonderful too. Before bed, regardless of whether I've had make up on or not, I like a good lotion or cream cleanser and micellar water to remove eye make up.

I find a good serum is far more effective than a heavy moisturiser and this applies year round. I also like to combine serums, depending on how my skin looks and feels from day to day. Recently I have been using Caudalie's Reveratrol-Lift and Darphin Hydraskin serums. Sometimes alone, other times I will add a pump of Hydraskin to the Caudalie serum.

A good SPF moisturiser is de rigueur year round and I recently started using this one from Elizabeth Arden with SPF 35. It has a nice light formula that moisturises well without being too much or too little. However, it appears EA have discontinued it and replaced it with an SPF 15. Personally, I prefer a higher sun protection, so I will need to shop around to replace the one I have when the time comes. There will be stock out there at least for a while.

At night I love Lancome's Hydra Zen gel cream and will switch up between that and Olay Regenerist Day cream. The latter has no SPF, but it makes a great night cream.

I've been asked in the past if I subscribe to eye creams and the answer is, occasionally, but its not a staple. Ditto products that claim to target the neck and upper chest. If you are consistent in carrying your normal skin care routine down to the neck and upper chest, it should be enough without having to invest in more product, or at least that's my experience. But by all means, use them if you find them beneficial and let me know in the comments about your experience with these specialist formulas.


For body care, I'm working my way through a big tin of L'Occitane's 25% shea butter body cream. Once we get into the warmer months I will switch back to Hawaiian Tropic's After Sun body butter. Its lighter and the scent reminds me so much of warm, sunny days. 

In the shower I like Aveeno's Apricot & Honey yogurt body wash. I'm not diligent about body moisturising after bathing, so I've found the Aveeno brand keeps more moisture in to start with.

Do you have any favourite cold weather skin care products? 
