False Spring


February is coming to a close. Its been a relief to have a month of mostly settled, dry, sunny weather after three months of non-stop wind and rain. 

The garden is looking really nice with the mini daffs almost open. I've noticed buds and tiny green leaves starting to appear on the shrubs and trees. As we head into March, the temperatures have dropped back to more seasonally normal, though in the sun you hardly notice it until the north wind catches you. 

This tiny bee was out foraging in the crocuses, an early scout I suppose! 

Marsh marigolds are in full bloom now. They will fade as we move closer to Spring.

This weeping willow is starting to show tiny greenish yellow buds.

The number of house boats on the canals is picking up too. 

The days are steadily getting longer and its no longer dark at supper time or pitch black at 7 a.m.  Miss Honey approves. 

Have a great weekend!


  1. Love the photo of the bee with those vibrantly purple crocuses!

    1. I got lucky and happened to notice her and get the shot before she flew off.

  2. Replies
    1. The much shouted about return of Winter seems to have missed us here in the Midlands.


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