All Roads Lead to Rome


So while surfing on the Net a few days ago, I came across this map showing the Roads of the Roman Empire. Just take in the sheer size of the area these people not only developed roads for but kept up. This is in addition to subjugating the frequently hostile native populations and building lots of other things too. And all without the modern engineering and building whizbang we take for granted now.

You know what's coming next don't you ....... why is it so hard in the 21st century to fill the damn potholes properly every Spring where you and I are?  Where's a time machine when you need it.


  1. I read once that the old Roman roads remained the best roads available anywhere up to modern times. Quality and built to last!

    1. There are still lots of them here in England and mainland Europe. Really amazing, but then they hadn't come up with build in obsolesence yet.


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