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Not your usual advertising, on the side of a houseboat. But it caught my eye today. 

Well, if it wasn't Spring before, it is now. Still mostly overcast and damp here in the Midlands but today is a rare treat; warm, sunny and breezy. I've taken full advantage and had windows open and did some Spring cleaning between answering work calls and emails. All hail the Queen of Multitasking.  A few photos from the afternoon dog walk along the canal. Lots of houseboats out now and I think I would love to spend a Summer on one from say May 1st to October 1st.


Its another long weekend coming up courtesy of the Coronation on Saturday. Its the first in 70 years so we should be interested but aren't. The whole notion of monarchy is just too outdated now and besides, royals in other countries bagged the ceremony a long time ago. Unlike his father, Prince William didn't have an investiture ceremony when he became the Prince of Wales and I suspect that if the Crown lasts that long, he might skip the Coronation thing too. 

So into May and don't forget the Full Moon on Friday if you like to do an alter or affirmations to mark the occasion. 


  1. On TV this morning, it was noted that Queen Elizabeth's coronation took over 3 hours for the ceremony, but King Charles' ceremony will be done in about an hour. And apparently his list of attendees is 75% smaller, but presumably that's for security reasons. So it's a scaled down ceremony, but still -- I agree with you. Monarchy (even a powerless constitutional monarchy) is an unneeded and kind of offensive anachronism in a modern democracy and should be scrapped.

  2. Here there's going to be a street party for the King's coronation. And I loathe the stupid old bat that is organising it.

    Here it looks like spring, but doesn't always feel like it. It's rather cool. But I don't mind at all. I miss autumn and long for it.

    Oh and I've these boats too!

    1. Autumn is my favourite season too, but its been such a long spell of cold and wet (since November), I'm quite ready for shorts and flip flops!


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