On Ageing


I've never minded the birth date on the passport or the number of candles on the cake. I don't mind (much) the lines and wrinkles and saggy bits. What I am having difficulty accepting is the general physical decline that is creeping up on me faster as I head towards retirement. 

Some Things Affected by the Ageing Process

I just don't have the strength and stamina I once had. I need more sleep, not less and the quality of the sleep I do get isn't always the best because of joint issues. Arthritis is moving into new territory; my hands and feet. I've had it for the better part of twenty years, but was able to shrug it off until recently. Just an hour or two in the garden leaves me feeling like a used punching bag the next morning. I'm not talking doing major landscaping, just simple things like mowing or doing a bit of digging. I've been on HRT for nearly ten years in an effort to support, among other things, my skeleton. Osteoporosis as well as rheumatoid and osteoarthritis run in the family. I have the latter and count myself lucky. I haven't had to move onto specialist pain meds (yet).

I feel like I'm doing all the things I'm supposed to be doing to have a healthy old age; no smoking (I quit years ago), minimal alcohol, decent diet, lots of exercise, but Time keeps kicking my ass. It makes you wonder why your going to the trouble when you may as well say to Hell with it and be no worse off by doing what you please.

I'm fortunate that I can still walk distances and do so most days with Honey. I'm hoping I can continue to do that as the years roll out. But I don't trust the process. Its slippier than a politician on the campaign trail.



  1. Ageing is an inexorable process, it's true. But it would be even worse without taking care of ourselves. It can be emotionally wrenching to realize we're not the people we used to be. The hardest things for me in the mental decline area are diminishing memory, focus, and concentration, and in the physical decline area are decreasing stamina and mobility issues with walking any longer distance. But I just keep reminding myself that I will never be as young and as healthy again as I am TODAY, so we'd better enjoy it, lol.

    1. Thats a very sensible way to look at it. Its a shame I'm more inclined to have a tantrum about it like an overgrown child. :)


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