
One of the wonderful things about living in a foreign country is learning about the customs celebrated there. For me, as an Airforce brat living in Germany in the late 1960s, we found out how different Christmas is in Germany from the way its celebrated in Canada.

For one thing, December 5th is Krampusnacht or Krampus Night across Germany and other parts of Europe. Krampus is a half goat, half demon creature and one of the companions of Father Christmas, who's day is on December 6th. Traditionally, December 25th or Christmas Day, is for church going. December 6th is when Father Christmas or Sinter Klaus, visits good children. 

The night of December 5th is when Krampus visits, seeking out the badly behaved, some of whom will be thrown into his sack and taken away. Krampus also carries chains with bells attached so you can hear it coming and find a good hiding place, if necessary. 

Krampus parades are common in parts of Europe in December and the work that goes into the costumes worn by participants is really wonderful. A quick look on YouTube will get you some interesting videos.


  1. Santa's shadow side! We're starting to see Krampus Nights in a few larger cities here in Canada now too. Edmonton has had one for several years. I've never gone though, just seen it on the news.

    1. I lived in Germany for a few years as a child and I don't recall seeing Krampus then but that's not to say it wasn't around. Probably just as well. He would have frightened my much younger brother half to death!


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