
I wish I had something more interesting to write about, but I don't. February has become a re-run of December with non stop rain and high winds. Bizarre isn't it. Some parts of the world can't get enough rain, this place can only manage one dry day in ten lately. Isn't climate change grand.

We are slowly getting the renovations done in the house to re-list it next month, however the housing market has pretty much ground to a halt over here. Only a return to some government sponsored help to buy schemes is going to get it going again and even that is no guarantee with interest rates and the overall cost of living so high now. And those schemes are partly responsible for house prices (and rents) becoming so expensive, so maybe they aren't such a good idea. However, without selling the house, we can't move across the street, let alone emigrate or even move elsewhere in the U.K. My husband hates unknowns because you can't make plans, so its frustrating all around.

Its an election year in the U.K., but it looks like the current administration, who have run the country into the ground over the last decade, are going to cling to power for as long as possible If thats the case, they will postpone an election until November. The state the country is in, I can't imagine the opposition are in any hurry to take over. It will take more than one electoral cycle to deal with this mess. 

And the cherry on the cake is my arthritis has notched up a few. I don't know if its the weather making it worse or a natural progression. All I know is that my inflammatory response is off the scale this week. Thank goodness retirement is only a few months away! 

Bitch, bitch, bitch ..... thank you for your attention. We now return you to our regularly scheduled program of "Everything is Peachy". 


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