
The lilac bush at the bottom of the garden is in full bloom

Well, we made it. For the first time in months I slept with a couple of windows open! Here's to continued mild weather. I did a marathon session in the backyard yesterday and I'm feeling it today, but needs must and I'm pleased with the results. 

The hosta are up, lavender shrubs are starting to bloom, lilacs are in full bloom, about a month earlier than you see them where I'm from in New Brunswick. I have allium and peonies ready to bloom. Despite the months of wet weather, the rose bush hasn't any black spot. I mowed the lawn and am looking into the possibility of turning it into clover. The lawn isn't large but its uneven and tends to be patchy in spots. I was thinking that converting it to clover is not only more eco-friendly, but low maintenance too. I already leave a couple of small areas wild for the insects and birds.

I'm not quite ready to swap the bedding over to the lightweight stuff, but we will get there. In the meantime I've gone through the winter clothing to see what needs cleaning before being put away. 

This garden ornament has come to us from the OH's late grandmother's garden

And if you observe it, Happy Beltane! 


  1. Beltane Blessings to you! How lovely to already be enjoying green grass, lilacs and lavender! This morning we've got wet snow, dammit.

    1. Yes I heard about this. Totally not acceptable. Who do we speak to about it?


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